A beginning to an End

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: To start a new beginning. A beginning to an end of messes. A beginning of organization. A beginning of less stress looking for that item that "was just right there the last time I looked". And hopefully, a beginning of a bond of 3 "sisters" sharing the messy bits and how we might get them more organized.

Here's the logistics:
~ Start with a
bowl full of lemons 21 day challenge.
~ After we've succeeded, each of us in turn will suggest a new challenge until we are all successfully organized mammas.

I'm up for the challenge. Are you?
Ready. Set. GO!

Monday, February 7

Step by step

So on Friday, I got serious about some things. I needed to curb my desire for junk food so I thought I'd keep myself busy by cleaning the main floor of the house. It really helped to not think of the house as a whole but only worry about a level at a time. I didn't really dejunk or anything, I just cleaned it. I can't stand looking in my "junk" drawer or under my kitchen sink and seeing how clean they are when my living space is a wreck. So I cleaned the living space. I wish I had taken before pictures and could attatch smelly stickers to the bathroom one. It was gross. :-/ It took me about 5 hours to go through every corner of our main level. I even cleaned out our mud room, often dubbed, "The Messy Room".

Today I've made it my plan to do the same to the top floor of the home. Laundry included. Ugh. I hate laundry almost as much as I hate cleaning out our enormous master bathroom. I just have to keep reminding myself that once it's done and I enforce some teamwork on the upkeep, I can finally continue on my dejunking/organizing journey.

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