A beginning to an End

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: To start a new beginning. A beginning to an end of messes. A beginning of organization. A beginning of less stress looking for that item that "was just right there the last time I looked". And hopefully, a beginning of a bond of 3 "sisters" sharing the messy bits and how we might get them more organized.

Here's the logistics:
~ Start with a
bowl full of lemons 21 day challenge.
~ After we've succeeded, each of us in turn will suggest a new challenge until we are all successfully organized mammas.

I'm up for the challenge. Are you?
Ready. Set. GO!

Tuesday, January 18

Summer. Day 2, The computer Desk

This one took me a bit. Not because of the mess, but because of where to store things so that it stays clean. I think that's more what this is about than just cleaning up. So here we go with the BEFORE photos.

This file cabinet is from our old desk. It's there because we don't know where else to put it.

This is where Kumon, and homework and all the other busy work is done.

The printer is functional but those four cubes certainly aren't being put to good use.

Part of the wrap around desk that is just used as a paper graveyard. Look! ...More pencils and crayons. Ugh.

And the last part of the desk that is not used for it's full potential.
 As you can see, I had my work cut out for me. Although we have a VERY large desk space I constructed while The Husband was away for a business trip, it's not being used for the "write" type of  things. A few days before this challenge, Brandon and I hung a couple of shelves from IKEA and were planning on doing the third but it didn't have the hardware with it so we had to wait. So after a trip back to the beloved store I was able to complete this room. Here are the AFTER photos.
Even Brandon got into the cleaning mood and made my heart flutter by hiding all the dangling cords under the desk. ♥

Here's the beautiful clean corner wrap around. Remember we're a house of 7 when you count 4 chairs and 3 computers in here.

Isn't it lovely???? Storage galore!!!

And look at my mini cubby system for the Kumon packets. Matching boxes for paper and photos. And did you notice now we have a place to hang the kumon bags??? YES!!!

Here's the over-all room. Isn't it wonderful?! The kids did great doing their homework in a clean environment last night and it's our family's new favorite hang-out now. I can't wait for our entire home to be clean and organized so we can fall in love with our home all over again. ♥♥♥

Pulled from a bowl full of lemons........Day 2: The Computer Desk

Today my challenge is for you to clear off, clean up, and organize the top of your computer desk... or whatever desk you have. If your computer isn't on a desk, than clear off the area where it lives. If your desk is already cleaned & organized... find another surface.  No matter what, keep organizing.  It takes 21 days to form a habit. Im training you to become an organized person!  ;)

1.  Take a picture of the area.

2. Completely remove everything from the surface. (This challenge is only for the top of the desk).

3.. Now, get your cleaners or polish (of course, I recommend Shaklee) and start scrubbing or dusting it off. I want it to shine!

4. Get your three bins (keep, toss, and donate) & start separating.  This task may seem daunting to those who love the paper clutter! I want you to go through every piece of paper.  If you don't need it, toss it! You dont need to keep utility bills that you paid 6 months ago or 6 weeks ago! Bye bye clutter.

5. You finally have everything separated. Now you can put it all where it goes. If it doesnt go on the desk, please don't put it there.  Remember we are only concentrating on the desk top today. Once your desk is cleared of the clutter, you will feel so much better while you are there. Try your best to keep this area clean.  You spend a lot of time here (if you're a blogger).

6.  If you have them, use as many organizing tools as you can. I purchased some drawers to put all of my office supplies in.  And, use your labeler. Its so easy to find what I need.

7.  Your finished!  Now, get the camera and take a picture of your hard work & come back here to this post and share. Way to go!
