A beginning to an End

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: To start a new beginning. A beginning to an end of messes. A beginning of organization. A beginning of less stress looking for that item that "was just right there the last time I looked". And hopefully, a beginning of a bond of 3 "sisters" sharing the messy bits and how we might get them more organized.

Here's the logistics:
~ Start with a
bowl full of lemons 21 day challenge.
~ After we've succeeded, each of us in turn will suggest a new challenge until we are all successfully organized mammas.

I'm up for the challenge. Are you?
Ready. Set. GO!

Tuesday, January 25

Cambrey...Day six: The Dresser Drawers

OK so when I started this I though, well gee this is an easy one....WRONG!!!!!!  It sent me in a spiral to clean the master bedroom since you couldn't even see the floor.  I am not done in there yet, and I am sad to say I didn't take before pictures because I just dove into it while doing the dresser.....but here are the dresser drawer before and after pictures.  My husband, who is the one that uses the dresser, lost over 55 tee shirts when I did this, and still had enough to fill the drawers.


 This is now completely cleared off.

and the after

he has more pants, I just washed them all

Day six: The Dresser Drawers

My challenge for you

1. Take a "before" picture of the contents of your dresser, exactly as it is now.  (We don't have to see the booty drawer, if you dont feel comfy about it!) If you dont have a dresser, find a set of "drawers" somewhere in the house.

2.  Now, empty it all onto your bed.  

3. Get your 3 boxes (keep, toss, donate) and start separating. Try them on if you have to.

4. Okay, now neatly fold all of the clothes and put them back in an organized fashion

5. While you are at it,  you can clear the clutter on the top of your dresser too... in the same fashion as the clothing sort.  Remove everything, give it a good cleaning, and toss what you don't need on there.

5. Easy,peasy... Your done!  It was a simple challenge, but gives a great feeling of satisfaction that it was done!  Take your "after" picture and come back & share with us!    

Cambrey: Under the Kitchen Sink

Can I say that I hate my townhouse?  I love it, but I hate it.  The contractors did a crappy job.  Well the kitchen sink is part of that.  The cupboard is soooooo small it doesn't hold anything....WAIT....stop the presses, maybe that is a good thing.  I mean, as long as it holds what I need right?  So without further ado....here is the dreaded before.

What the old shelf liner looked like (On the left)
(barf here)
and then this is what it looked like under the shelf liner.

And since I had to declutter in here, and move some items around I cleaned the cupboard above my fridge to make room for some of the excess items.

This is what the dust on top of the fridge looked like.  I actually went through THREE Swiffer pads to dust it.  YUCK. YUCK. YUCK.

And this is the cupboard.

 Left Side of cupboard
 Right side of cupboard
And under the kitchen sink.

I put all the gallon sized cleaners in the basement and threw away a TON of stuff that was either gross or didn't have enough stuff in it to justify saving.