A beginning to an End

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: To start a new beginning. A beginning to an end of messes. A beginning of organization. A beginning of less stress looking for that item that "was just right there the last time I looked". And hopefully, a beginning of a bond of 3 "sisters" sharing the messy bits and how we might get them more organized.

Here's the logistics:
~ Start with a
bowl full of lemons 21 day challenge.
~ After we've succeeded, each of us in turn will suggest a new challenge until we are all successfully organized mammas.

I'm up for the challenge. Are you?
Ready. Set. GO!

Thursday, January 27

Check List

Hey all,

Just wanted you to know where I am since I haven't posted anything for a bit.

Junk Drawer? Check.
Computer Desk? Check check.
Tupperware Cabinet? Check check check.
Under kitchen sink? Checkedy check.

Then here's where I've come to a hault. The linnen closet stumped me. I had to wait till payday (today) in order to be able to afford some space saver bags. I've also been dealing with 4 children with strep and a first birthday to celebrate. Now that things are on the mend over here (and a paycheck was recieved)  I am going to get busy. I have a lot planned for today but it may not be in order according to "the list".

How is everyone else doing? We are here to motivate and support each other. Britt, if you need Cambrey and/or I to come hold Baby W for an hour each day, we'd be happy to if it means you will get things accomplished. Lets make it a productive day ladies!!! No going idle!!!

Ready? Set. GO!

Day 8, The Coat Closet

....Pulled from A bowl full of lemons

Day #8 ~ Getting Organized Challenge (The Coat Closet)
I thought today would be the perfect day to conquer a closet... the coat closet if you have one. If you don't, then organize another closet in your home.  My coat closet is used for "junk" cleaners that I no longer use... but refuse to throw away. So, I guess I will continue to store them and hopefully give them away soon (maybe at my garage sale, I can put them in a box and give em away).  Anyways... this is a "hot spot" for me because I dont have a lot of storage in my house so this is where it all goes.  Our coats get hung in the hallway on a coat hook, rack -thingamy bob. PLEASE BEWARE... THIS IS NOT A PRETTY ORGANIZED SPACE.... but it is functional for us.  I'm excited for this challenge. I cant wait to see what you do too.

No step by step instructions today... I think you have all learned my system of organizing a space. Now make me proud!