A beginning to an End

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: To start a new beginning. A beginning to an end of messes. A beginning of organization. A beginning of less stress looking for that item that "was just right there the last time I looked". And hopefully, a beginning of a bond of 3 "sisters" sharing the messy bits and how we might get them more organized.

Here's the logistics:
~ Start with a
bowl full of lemons 21 day challenge.
~ After we've succeeded, each of us in turn will suggest a new challenge until we are all successfully organized mammas.

I'm up for the challenge. Are you?
Ready. Set. GO!

Wednesday, January 19

Day Three: The Tupperware Cupboard.

Here's the challenge... (As Taken From A Bowl Full of Lemons)

1.  Take a picture of the chaos!

2.  Empty it out (onto the floor or counter). Grab your favorite cleaner and wipe out the dust and grime.

3.  Stand back and look at all you have accumilated and kiss A LOT of it goodbye, because...

4.  YOU DONT USE HALF OF IT!  So,  start purging into the donation station or trash.

5. Once you have gone through and separated, now you can start categorizing... like items with like items.

6.  Organizing bins or baskets are a great tool in this cabinet to keep the chaos under control. Keep that in mind, so go find some.

7. Now you can put everything back. I'm so proud of you! Look how "neat" it looks.

8. Your finished.  Take a picture and hurry back to show us your beautiful cabinets!

remember if your space is already clean...take a picture and post it, but by all means pick something else to clean today (and post that too.)

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